Welcome to TEA Talk with JANET!
This page is devoted with you in mind, to serve as an informational, and sometimes, entertaining vehicle to learn more about the joys of tea. 


The holidays will soon be here and gone.  Then the dawning of a New Year will begin with all its usual promises of  ways to become a better, healthier person.  Whether it be by resolving to lose weight, or to quit smoking, or perhaps start an exercise program, we all desire to make a change in our routine that will ultimately lead to a better life for ourselves and/or our families.  But what happens when changes occur that we had not planned or anticipated?  Changes such as the loss of a loved one, a job, or your health.  These are life-altering changes...changes that we can either resist or embrace.

Recently, Over The Teacup closed its doors as a teahouse, due to some elder care issues at home.  While the decision to do so was not easy, once I made that commitment, I began the process of letting go.  That does not suggest that it was easy, but it allowed me to be free to move ahead. 

I am so grateful for the eleven and one-half years that I was able to serve the community, and play a role in so many happy family celebrations such as birthdays and showers to name a few.  But life goes on, and I am happy to report that Over The Teacup will remain, but in a new capacity.  Now, as a certified Tea and Etiquette Consultant form the Protocol School of Washington, I will be available to present Tea Talks on a variety of subject areas, as well as teach etiquette classes.  Everything will remain the same:  the business name, phone number, email address, and the website.  Only the address will change.

This is an exciting time for Over The teacup as it embarks on change and meeting the challenges of a different sort.  While I may not have anticipated the path that lies before me, I have embraced it, and am ready to take a new  path.  And, I am discovering already that people are needing these services.

So, when life leads you in a totally different direction, or maybe only alters it slightly, take a deep breath, embrace the situation, and run like the wind to meet what lies ahead. Better days lie ahead.

Call 717-737-5099, to learn more about what our services has to offer you. 

                                                                                        Peace and Joy,
